Friday, June 5, 2009

Family Photographs...

Okay so yesterday was not only my Dad's birthday it was also family portrait day. Every few years we have our family photo taken for our church directory. Well I thought going to the dentist was rough, getting four kids ready for a photo session was like torture. Nobody seemed to want to get dressed and when they finally found the outfit that was just right, it was way over the top. I mean my oldest at one point had on a bright blue/aqua skirt with and orange tank top and a white feather boa. I am all for letting them express themselves but that was a little too much for a church directory. So after a few disagreements about what we were wearing we finally got into the car and went. We arrived and had to wait of course. I accounted for the waiting but did not think we would be in such a dilemma. On the far counter was cookies and pretzels, this of course to suffice the long wait if there happen to be one. A very thoughtful idea on the part of the photographer. We managed to convince the kids that those were for after pictures so not to get crumbs on our cloths or face. That was torture for the darlings. While I distracted with a few cunning jokes, which the kids didn't find all that funny, Justin sang songs with our youngest. He called me to watch her little dance and we both sat in awe of how cute she was. All the while we were cooing over our two year old, the older children proceeded to get drinks out of the water fountain. What is with water fountains by the way? Every drink fountain we pass, someone wants to get a drink from it. Anyway I turned to catch them in the act and when all three turned around there were water marks all over the front of their shirts. I looked in disbelief and then could not help but laugh. "Oh well" is what I thought. I was actually hoping we would have to wait a bit longer so that it would dry.
We got our chance to sit for the photo and all seemed to be going well, besides the occasional squabble amongst the children it actually went pretty smooth. We gathered the children around and we all sat down to review the digital pictures to pick which one we liked best. It started out all right with a picture of all of us smiling except Lucas, he was making a funny face. So we decided to go on to the next set of pictures and before I knew it I was looking at at least fifteen pictures of Lucas making funny faces. In every picture Lucas tried so very hard to make a funny bug-eyed face to show his humorous side. As the poor photographer went through each photo I quickly realized they were all like that. So we had to pick one where Lucas' face was not as drastic as the others. While he was still making a funny face it doesn't really look that bad. Yes my son the comedian. I am so glad he makes me laugh...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is my very first post... I say that in hopes that you will forgive me for not knowing what I am doing.

I have been a stay-at-home Mom for two years now. I can tell you that the experience of being just a full time mom instead of being a full time mom/working full time is definitely different. My youngest daughter was born with a Congenital Heart Defect. After she was born and we learned of her exact diagnosis there would not be an option for me to return to work. Her health and well being would rely on me being home with her 24 hours a day. While I do miss the interaction of a work place, I would not trade being home with my children for anything. The lessons I have learned and attained have made me who I am today. The joy of watching them grow and play and learn is the best gift of all.

My hopes for this Blog is that you'll follow along my amazing adventures of being a Mom of four very special and amazing children. And the journey our family has taken with Congenital Heart Defects.

Thanks for stopping by and look for more posts soon...